Monday, May 4, 2009

Day.... Eh, fk it. Im under the impression that days are irrelavent at this time.

I HAVE AN UPDATE!!! And its actually kinda sorta related to this thing, LOL.

I'm working on writing it up right now, so sit back and wait for it or I'll end up smacking you back into your seat should you decide to voice your opinions on why its been so long. *looks at the people she knows will have something to say* Go ahead and try it, I dare you...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I passed my state exam with a 98%!!!!!!!!!! *does happy dance*

ahem... yea I know its not the update you guys wanted but at least I put something on here. LOL :)

Seriously though, an ACTUAL post for TDA will be up shortly. Its just been kind of hard trying to study, work and find time to have a social life so I didn't get around to actually putting anything together. *hangs head in shame* I promise I'll get to work on it and hopefully something will be done by this weekend.

Thanks for sticking with me folks.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Day 3: LIFE

FOUR WEEKS have gone by and I didn't even realize it!!! *flails* Where has all the time gone? Why wasn't I informed that it was 3 weeks til x-mas??? You guys are falling down on your job.

I guess I could throw in an update real quick so you guys know whats going on.
Work-sucks, as always.
School-I have 1 day left and then we take the state exam on the 17th
Life-I can offically have one!!!


I just need to start coming up with ideas and the lot that way you will all be entertained. lol.... Just don't be suprised if it takes a little bit for it to get there. I haven't had much time to work on it.

For the quickest way to obtain your essentials, acquire your goods, and borrow your gear; sit tight and wait for the next addition of TDA....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Day 2 : *gets out soapbox* Election that will make history

"Whether you wanted McCain or Obama to win, the reason these elections matter is, we as a nation needed to show our desire to change the road we went down for eight years.

The Bush administration chose to capitalize on the horrific events of 9/11 to remake the planet in their cold-war world view, instead of reaching for consensus among the world, they chose to go their own way, and instead of trying for consensus with the other side of the aisle, went toward the right wing of their party, which left moderation and compromise out in the cold.

You as an individual, may want legal abortion to be abolished, you may want to keep a sub machine gun in your house, but while you were engaged on these single note issues, the Bush Adminstration was off wire-tapping your phones, subverting the Geneva convention and reading your email. The Bush Adminstration played upon your fears, fears of the unknown, fears of the other, worked on dividing the country, not uniting it.

What these elections did was prove to ourselves and to the world, that WE WANT NO MORE OF THIS, we want to proud again as Americans, we want to practice what we preach - that this is a land that should be about true democracy, equality, fairness, opportunity for all.

The difference in this election is We Were Engaged. More Americans came out to vote than ever before, and when Barack Obama won, it was by enough of a margin that there is no mistake.

Half of the nation, for eight years was saying No to everything the Bush Adminstration stood for, some may say we are gloating in this moment, but where we had gains, we also had some losses, Proposition Eight, which makes same-sex unions in California illegal - passed.

You might not have wanted Barack Obama as your president, I for one, was supporting Hilary Clinton. I've always admired John McCain, but I did not vote on personality, I voted on ISSUES, I read the platforms, I think about the whole message, and I encourage you, whichever party you stand for, to do the same.

So my message here for America is STAY ENGAGED, if it's local politics or national, it is your business, its your life, and it fucking better well matter to you."- quote from a friend (Karadin) on a different blog.

For eight years this country has been fighting a losing battle with an administration that claimed that it was 'for the people'. We've seen loved ones sent off to a war that was pointless, lost jobs because the economy can't support us, and struggled to make enough money to pay for our children to have clothes and food. Its finally time for a change....

Last night, as a combined nation, we took a huge step towards that change. We voted in a man that can make it all happen. WE did.... We as in AMERICANS!!

There was a time when we used to call ourselves 'The UNITED States of America', where we would stand together to fight a battle so that we could show the rest of the world just how tough we are; we stopped doing that for fear of being labled a 'traitor to the cause'. Today though, I feel like I can stand up for my beliefs without the fear of the whole government crashing down on me.

As much as it might scare me to think of a future with a man that we really didn't know anything about to begin with, I can say now that after a year of listening to his debates and seeing what he stands for I'm ready to see what he can do for this country. If he can right the wrongs of our previous occupants of the White House then I think all of America will finally see that he is for the unity of our nation.

November 4, 2008-Barak Obama voted in to the White House
Congratulations America.... We are making a change....

*steps down off of soapbox*

UPDATE: Day 3 of the Daily Acquirer will be around shortly. We're just having some issues tracking down the man with all the answers.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Day One: Introduction

Here's the first post of The Daily Acquirer, where all of your 'procuring' needs will be dealt with.

With this blog you will be introduced to the world of wonder that surrounds your favorite past times... why, helping the 'greater good' of course!

There will be plenty of pointers to help you along your way and even some stories from fellow 'assistants' in your field of work. What better way to get started in your career of obtaining items than by getting first hand experience stories from those that have already tried it themselves?

So sit back and enjoy!

"I've always equated 'feelings' with 'getting caught'... they both get in the way of my money. Unfortunately not everyone is as commited to their work as I am."

"The key is to be as inconspicuous and non-threatening as possible."